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A member registered Jul 15, 2019

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Ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty! That's been bugging me ever since I started playing, but I didn't want to be an ass and complain about a movement choice in a free game. Especially one that introduced me to things I was unware of liking.

> This comment in no way states the person or people who commented about the movement choice are asses. Please do not take this comment as a form of attack.

Much love Xax, and ty for your work!

DL works poi-fec-ly. Getting used to the unusual card game took a bit, but still was interesting. The 'ending' was neat too. Any chance of alternate forms/mutations in possible later updates/changes? As is, it's a fun little time waster. TY Quan.

Currently non-interactive. Can't even click 'play'. You may have mistyped something.

To my knowledge, everyone who follows Xax receives a notification/email when you put out a notice.

(2 edits)

Okay, sounds like you're directly asking for feedback. So, here it is.

Roughest parts:
I can't use WASD or ^<v> for easy navigation/movement.
Can't speed up/slow down 'infections' for transformations.
Extremely limited time outside the city before needing to camp(5-6 tiles I think?)
Extremely limited inventory. (5 or 6 items at a time, and can't 'bundle' same type items, but can at home)
Small amount of 'creatures' to interact with.
At present, no real point to the game.

Constructive Criticism: 
Code key shortcuts (Things like E to interact/speak, Q to Dig/scavenge, Spacebar to skip text, etc)
Possibly offer a %Infection complete during sleep interludes/dreams.
Offer a way to create an item(personal shield, automatic shelter, etc) that could prevent dangerous UV/Radiation from affection Player, or give shelter in sand storms.
Bundle items when scavenging(Possibly have a weight limit tied to mutations that isn't visible to the player)
Add 'life' to the desert. Maybe a black tar ooze creature near the big wuff, more insectoid creatures to interact with, maybe a terrifying encounter with an absolutely monstrous spider? I personally would prefer something along the lines of 20 or so creatures to interact with, beyond the current cast of NPC's. But that's just me.
As for game direction/endgame scenarios, I'm assuming you'd have paths for Brulvundojn, each of the Gheist team, or just the team, Astau's dreams of starting a new colony, and possibly the giants to the north.

Requests/Suggestions for content: 
More of the truly strange in regards to breeding partners.
Maybe 'submissive' creatures/npc's to help nudge up the pie% to something more equal.
Maybe an underground lake area, guarded by a 'beast' NPC that purifies the water.
Maybe some information on what crafting actually nets you.
Maybe some information on 'intent' for end game, Such as a warning that if you sleep with the big wuff, you lock out Gheists or Giants for endgame content, or something similar. Wouldn't need to be much, just an extra line of dialogue such as 'You have a feeling that if you follow through, your entire world will change'.

Thank you immensely for the game, the thoughts, the ideas, and the crazy utter batshit that is your world. When I completely stumbled upon this game, I wasn't all that interested. I played around a little, and got intrigued. I then found myself involved in acknowledging fetishes I had no clue I was into. So from the deepest depths of my heart, I thank you immensely for your world.

Edit: Minor typo

1) I would try to summon something of import to him, either something he's lost and couldn't find again, or something he couldn't get himself.

2) Before 'future knowledge', my response was always 'Hell no! Leave the littel moo alone!'. With future knowledge, however, my response would be to apologise to Asterion, but inform him that by doing this, we get the mirror, and he doesn't have to go out again.

3a) If there was one thing I could tell Asterion, it would be simply this. 'I do so swear, by blood, by soul, and by my very flesh, that I will not knowingly, willingly, or actively seek malicious actions against you and all you hold dear.'

3b) If there was one thing I could 'do' for Asterion, it would be to try and give him some form of freedom, while keeping him, his wishes, and his dreams in mind. Maybe a way to safeguard his wine, or have  a personal 'pool' of wine, similar to a medieval 'bath', that he could access at any point in time. Maybe a freedom from orders that last more than 24hrs without further input from his master(To prevent what we walked in on in the first place). Perhaps a way to 'cancel' his current master if they go beyond a certain point? Regardless, so long as it was for Asterion's benefit, I could do a fair few things.